to the world

Rockit is an apple company with attitude at the edge of the world. A little place called Heretaunga on New Zealand’s East Coast, to be precise. We’re always looking for better ways to have a positive impact. On people, nature, the land and communities we’re part of.

100% recyclable, 100% fresh

Our handy tubes mean our apples stay clean, safe and fresher for longer, helping to reduce food waste. They’re already 100% recyclable, but we want to do even better.

Helping our community Rockit

We’re proud to be part of our local community through our sponsorship programmes and the local jobs we offer. We’re grateful to have been gifted the name, Te Ipu, for our HQ. Te Ipu means ‘the cup’ or ‘the foodbowl’ that provides sustenance. We thank and acknowledge Ngāti Kahungunu iwi (our local Māori community) for this gift.

More trees, less carbon

Minimising our carbon footprint is vitally important. Together with our other sustainability initiatives, we’ve got our very own carbon-crushing champions – our orchards. Every apple tree we nurture helps offset emissions.

What’s rocking?

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Get your hands on these apples

Rockit™ apples are available all year, in 30 countries around the world. Here’s where we are near you.