Rockit™ apple Valentine’s Day platter

1 minute read

Packed with wholesome goodness, this decadent desert platter is perfect for sharing with your loved ones this Valentine’s Day.


Data caramel



  1. Add the dates, water, coconut cream, and salt to a food processor. Blitz until smooth. You may need to stop and scrape down the slides with a spatula a few times.
  2. Select a large platter and two small bowls suitable for dipping – one for the date caramel, the other for Greek yogurt & pomegranate
  3. Spoon date caramel into chosen dish and place in the centre of the large platter. Place the Greek yoghurt in the other dish and place pomegranate seeds on top.
  4. Place the apple slices around the date caramel. Add the chocolate, almonds and finish with scattering the blueberries amongst the apple slices.

Prepared by,

Kelly Gibney

Get your hands on these apples

Rockit™ apples are available all year, in 30 countries around the world. Here’s where we are near you.